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  1. Keith

    Making A Bark Knife Sheath.

    I used stringybark for this project, you won't have many of these in the UK as they are not a native, so I suggest that if you want to try & make one of these that you experiment with the species of trees you have growing locally. The finished knife sheath covered in leather & beaded.
  2. Keith

    Skills Forum Now Online.

    Our new skills section is up & running everyone. Mark to follow & contribute what you can. Keith.
  3. Keith

    Skinning & Butchering Game.

  4. Keith

    Tomahawk Throwing.

    It has been said many times, "I prefer to hang on to my tomahawk/axe, not practicle to throw it". Well there is a time & a place for everything they say, & there may be a time one day when you wish you were able to throw that axe. Reasons for being able to throw an axe accurately: 1) For...